Things I hate: mayonnaise, mushrooms, olives, American cheese, hard-boiled eggs, Hollywood movies, Taiwanese coffeeshops and all chain coffeeshops, luxury items, broken electronics, hypocrisy, tyranny and its apologists (you know who you are), war, demigods of hate, religious fundamentalism, the sound of car alarms, subdivisions, manufactured pop music, television, blisters, litter, ignorance.
Things I love: cashews, mangoes, avocados, homemade espresso, Bob Dylan lyrics, Jack Kerouac novels, late night poetry jams, autumn leaves, American football, rowing in the morning, laughter, driving on the highway in the middle of the night, the smell of a woman, tequila, manual focus, the click of a camera, freedom, beauty, excellence, used bookstores, family and friends, contemporary ballet, hardworking students, blue skies, fresh air, mountains, live rock 'n' roll, my sweetheart (stubborn yet magnificent).
To be continued.