Friday, November 14, 2008

The vice-presidential candidate has no clothes

Palin has been busy unveiling herself to the media over the last few days, an apparent effort to lay the groundwork for a presidential campaign in 2012 and/or undue the damage done by her bizarre candidacy. Among other things, she claims to have little knowledge of how the hundreds of dollars of clothing purchased in Minnesota ended up in her wardrobe. The only thing she ever asked for was a "Diet Dr. Pepper." (Campaign aide Nicole Wallace also used this phrase in interviews, apparently the diet soda was a canned line).

So among other noticeable developments, Palin gave her first "press conference" since being nominated as the Republican vice-presidential candidate several months ago. All of four minutes and four questions.

One passage from the New York Times article caught my eye:

Ms. Palin tried to play down her celebrity (even after a week in which she was featured in interviews on NBC, Fox News and CNN). In her speech, she tried to shift the focus from herself to the work that Republican governors must now do, including developing energy resources and overhauling health care.

“I am not going to assume that the answer is for the federal government to just take it over and try to run America’s health care system,” Ms. Palin said. “Heaven forbid.”

If she's staunchly against government involvement in health care, what does she mean by "overhauling health care"? Sounds like she means freezing in place the status quo: close to 50 million Americans without health insurance, health insurance policies that flip every time you change employers, health employers that drop the sick and only cover the healthy.

Well, this website is going to dedicate itself to a true pro-life cause: health care reform in America. In the months and years ahead, look for many postings here outlining the failure of the current health care system in America and the government strategies that could be used in order to ensure adequate health care to all Americans–not only the wealthy upper crust and people with clean bills of health.

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