Digging this photographer right now... his early stuff didn't impress me as much, but with this parade series, he seems to have really nailed down a method for creating tempo and toning.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Quote of the Day: Paul Newman on living
-Paul Newman, 1925-2008

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Farewell Paul Newman, 1925-2008, American hero
"Fast Eddie Felson. Hud Bannon. Cool Hand Luke. Butch Cassidy. The guy in the race car. The guy on the salad dressing bottle. The blue-eyed dreamboat. The committed public citizen. The husband of a half-century. The father of six.
According to press releases from his his charitable organizations, Newman's Own Foundation and the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps, Paul Newman died Friday at age 83 at his long-time home in Westport, Connecticut, and with his passing, more has been lost than just a good and fine man."

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Spilling milk on the page
So naturally, I was curious to find out what China Daily had to say about the ongoing milk crisis. Here is what they had on the front page:
It did have links to nine pages about the spacewalk (an impressive achievement), a "China refutes charge of cultural genocide in Tibet" story, breaking news titled "woman's paper skin a walking notepad" and another story about a man who 'married' a deceased girlfriend... and then the regular features about Britney Spears and Jennifer Aniston's love life.
Reading the paper, I had a premonition: The writer of the Tibet story will not be winning any prose-writing awards. Unless one is offered for incomprehensibility. A typical excerpt (do not read this passage while operating a motor vehicle or caring for small children):
The white paper consists of six parts, "Foreword", "Learning, Use and Development of the Spoken and Written Tibetan Languages", "Inheritance, Protection and Promotion of the Tibetan Cultural Heritage", "Religious Beliefs and Native Customs Respected", "All-round Development of Modern Science, Education and the Media" and "Conclusion".
It is "citing facts to expose the lie about the 'cultural genocide' in Tibet fabricated by the 14th Dalai Lama and his cohorts", and "exposing the deceptive nature of the 'cultural autonomy of Tibet' they clamor for".
I don't know, maybe it made more sense in the Chinese.
The anonymous story writer goes on to quote the "white paper" eight times. If you want to know what the politically correct line is on Tibet, consult said white paper. We have other things to do here.
Back to milk. I did find a special feature section on the milk crisis buried inside the vast belly of China Daily. It led with a picture of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao (China's Johnny-on-the-spot, he was at the earthquake zone last May within hours, holding out his bullhorn), and followed with mugshots of two suspects on Sanlu, an article on breast milk, and various op/eds blasting Sanlu for their misdeeds (after any Chinese crisis, it's essential to establish a scapegoat that deflects all attention away from the Party "responsible for creating a transparent, accountable regulatory structure").
As the Times notes in this separate article:
"In recent days, Prime Minister Wen Jiabo has apologized for a scandal that has sickened 53,000 children and he has promised to reform the dairy industry. But a year ago, Mr. Wen made a similar pledge to overhaul safety regulations for food, drugs and other products. His government authorized $1.1 billion and dispatched 300,000 inspectors to examine food and drug producers, but failed to prevent China’s biggest dairy producers from selling baby formula laced with an industrial additive called melamine."
One can only imagine what the prime minister said as he held that child. Perhaps: Sorry Babe.

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Friday, September 26, 2008
Knol That You Mention It
Never heard of it? For critiques of Knol, read here and here and here. Oh yeah, here, too.
My take: These critiques are absolutely correct. But the website is also only a couple of months old so it may be a bit too early to write its obituary. Hopefully, they will upgrade it more often than they do other Google properties such as, well, Blogger. The Blogger interface is updated only slightly more often than the Milwaukee Brewers make it into the World Series. Why am I here? Adsense. Which has made 37 cents for me as of this date.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Congress and the Bailout Plan: Business As Usual
"Not everyone will go along. A bloc on the far right of the Republican party will say no because they are philosophically against it (and because they are from securely red districts or states); Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning, using his typically heightened rhetoric, went so far as to call the proposal 'un-American.' And a group on the left will oppose it because they see it as a bailout for Wall Street executives (and because they're from securely blue districts or states). But it seems clear that Paulson and Bernanke managed to hit the mark with their three pages. And even if dozens more are eventually added to sweeten the pot for important constituents with powerful lobbyists, the core of the project will remain the same. That's what members of Congress do, even if, as the GOP staffer says, 'Not a single goddamn one of them could explain what's in the thing.'"

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Shanghai Tourism Festival
A unicyclist rides down the street moments before the opening day parade begins for the 2008 Shanghai Tourism Festival.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
PhotoShelter's demise as a stock agency
Personally, all I know is this:
1) Submitting photos using PhotoShelter's complicated keyword program used up an enormous amount of my time,
2) When I studied pricing samples, I came up with prices for one-time quarter-page editorial use by a small newspaper at $200 plus; I'm a photographer looking to make a profit, but what kind of local paper is going to pay a price like that? and
3) Like many PhotoShelter contributors, I never sold a single image through the agency.

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All that glitters isn't gold (some of it could be nuclear waste)
The article goes as follows:
Three residents of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region's Aksu city mistakenly purchased and brought home nuclear waste.
In August 2006, the three men - one of whom is surnamed Liu, while the other two are surnamed Wang - purchased a glittering "treasure" for $2,000 in Kyrgyzstan. They brought it back to Xinjiang, hoping to make a fortune by selling it.
Because they knew nothing about the 274-kg stone, they sliced off a piece to bring to Beijing for expert analysis last January.
Last September, geologists at Tsinghua University concluded it was depleted uranium and called police.
Prosecutors in Aksu decided against arresting the men, because they obviously had no idea what they had purchased. The men have undergone medical examinations and appear to be in good health.
Needless to say, like in many China Daily articles, the reader is left with a few lingering questions...
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Monday, September 15, 2008
Nailao PR (奶酪球公关)

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Sixteen Days in China: China's rocking evolution
Coming on the heels of Beijing Bubbles, this shows that something wild and alive is happening here, though you have to dig in order to find it–outside of Beijing, many rock venues are tiny hole-in-the-wall places in out of the way locations on the outskirts of town. Wish I was in Beijing catching the Modern Sky and Midi Festivals this week!

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NBC: Internet Luddites

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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Lost In Translation: Shanghai Tourism Festival
19-year-old Shanghai Tourism Festival, as a gang of juveniles into the adult ranks,意气风发, he has a young, dynamic, creative, but also has a mature, stable and the atmosphere. He walked in giant strides in the Shanghai, the world's rich programs bring more and more choice, he greeted guests in all directions, through the charming romantic city style, natural and simple pastoral scenery, mysterious and colorful folk characteristics, classical Inheritance boutique to the main line of friends at home and abroad, the hometown of fellow display this Heiner rivers are essential festival.

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Monday, September 08, 2008
Photo link of the day: Mitch Alland, street photographer

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The Aphrodisiac

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Metal at the Castle

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In today's weirdness category
Obama may announce running mate later today (AP)
Young evangelical backs out of convention prayer (AP)
Obama raps McCain for losing count of seven homes (AP)

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New blog: Choosing the President

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Palin against legal abortion even for victims of rape or incest
Twenty-six minutes into the debate, she says she would be against embryonic stem cell research.
In this debate, Palin also says she is against domestic partnership benefits for gays and lesbians.

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Palin Family Theme Song
Hilarious and aggra-voting
They’re just now gestating
The Palin Family.
Their house is a wax museum
Where anybody can see ‘em
Turn around and flee ‘em
The Palin Family.
So get your best go-go boots on
To see an elephant show you can poop on
It’s time to pay a call on them with
The Palin Family.
"Palin Family Theme Song" T-shirt

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Sarah Palin says her 17-year-old daughter is five-months pregnant
She said her daughter, Bristol, 17, who has been photographed sporting a ring on her wedding finger, is planning to marry the father. (Reuters).

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Monday, September 01, 2008
New Orleans mayor calls Gustav 'storm of the century,' issues mandatory evacuation
This time around, the evacuation has been proceeding in a more organized fashion, according to news reports. The New York Times writes, "The buses arrived promptly at 8 a.m. — a sharp contrast to the disorganization of three years ago, when the only plan was to jam thousands of people without cars into the Superdome and let others fend for themselves."
Nevertheless, there are significant concerns about any people who may be left behind, not to mention the enormous property loss if Hurricane Gustav maintains intensity as it approaches the coast. Seven thousand members of the Louisiana National Guard have been mobilized. Weather analysts do not know for certain where the center of the story will hit or how strong a force it will carry. Residents of New Orleans are being advised to leave the city as soon as possible and not rely on any assistance from emergency services.

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Bush, Cheney to skip opening of Republican National Convention
[Contrary to the lede, the story goes on to say that the president may be able to speak later on in the convention, but there are no definite plans at this point.]

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