Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PhotoShelter's demise as a stock agency

PDN Online has an interview with PhotoShelter's executives on the demise on their attempted stock photo rivalry with Getty. The comment section at the end of the article (or bottom of the page, if you don't want to read it to the end) is more illuminating than the article.

Personally, all I know is this:
1) Submitting photos using PhotoShelter's complicated keyword program used up an enormous amount of my time,

2) When I studied pricing samples, I came up with prices for one-time quarter-page editorial use by a small newspaper at $200 plus; I'm a photographer looking to make a profit, but what kind of local paper is going to pay a price like that? and

3) Like many PhotoShelter contributors, I never sold a single image through the agency.

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