I don't know which fuckup in the Google algorithm department has it set up so that I keep getting John McCain ads in my blog, but I thought I should type up a quick post to clarify my opinion on the matter. I don't think McCain is an icon of integrity. I think he's a typical example of the war-mongering, money-pandering, religion-stuffing, hypocritical, George Dubya-sycophant wing of the Republican Party. Basically, I think if you want another four years of the policies of George W. Bush, then vote for McCain. That is to say, if you want another four years of saber-rattling, soldier-wasting, deficit-raising, education-ignoring, straightfaced-lying, diplomacy-quashing, archaic policy-making, hope-defeating, race-baiting, pocket-stuffing, self-serving big money bullshit, then vote for McCain. That is to say... Don't vote for McCain!
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